+30 2810 330530 info@marmi.gr ISO 9001: 2008 / CE BS EN 13108-1: 2006



MARMI S.A. has been involved in the sector of asphalt paving since its inception, while in 1983 it started producing bituminous concrete. Having the necessary experience, the company has established, documented, implements and maintains for its Asphalt Production Unit a Quality Management System that meets the requirements of international standards ELOT EN ISO 9001:2008 and BS EN 13108-21:2006, which covers its scopes and needs.

The raw materials used for the production of bituminous concrete are the following:

  • Aggregates (sand, graded sand, coarse gravel, gravel)
  • Asphalt

The production of asphalt mix takes place based on the following general flow chart:

The production capacity of the asphalt production unit is approximately 150 tonnes per hour.

The company’s bituminous concrete composition studies have been certified by an accredited external laboratory, according to the National Technical Specifications and the requirements of the international standard BS EN 13108-21:2006.


AS 10 Very fine-grained material. Rarely used as a leveling layer on top of the existing asphalt, without planning, to cover small road anomalies. Recommended thickness layer 2–3 cm.
AS 12.5 Used as an intermediate asphaltic smoothing layer, as well as a final layer, since, as a fine-grained material, creates a perfectly smooth surface. It can also be applied to ditches and other small works. Recommended thickness layer 2.5–4 cm.
AS 20
Used as an intermediate and as a final asphaltic layer. More coarse-grained material than AS 12.5. Recommended thickness layer 4–6 cm.
AS 31.5    Used as an asphaltic base layer, and as an intermediate smoothing layer. Coarse-grained material. Recommended thickness layer 5–8 cm.
Type Ι Antiskid Asphalt Used as an antiskid asphalt surface layer. Characterized by its high percentage of sand (Dense Composition) and long-life span compared to Type II antiskid asphalt.
Type ΙΙ Antiskid Asphalt
Used as an antiskid asphalt surface layer. Characterized by its small percentage of sand (Open Graded) and high water absorption capacity. More effective than Type I, but with a shorter life span.

In addition to the certified composition studies, the company is able to produce bituminous concrete composition studies in accordance with previous standard specifications, and also respond to any possible customer demand for special compositions and applications.

  • Α 260 :  Old asphaltic base layer
  • Α265 Β : Old asphaltic leveling layer
  • Α265 Α : Old asphaltic final layer


Immediately after its production, the asphalt mix is loaded onto trucks and transported to the customer.

The temperature of the mix when loaded is 155ο C, while when applied must be at least 120οC. For this purpose, all the company’s trucks transporting asphalt, are equipped with a suitable cover to protect the material when transported or while waiting to be uploaded.

For paving and compaction of asphalt, our company has the appropriate machinery and specialized personnel to offer a comprehensive and complete construction-wise result.


Our company pays great attention to the quality control of both raw materials and materials produced, and comprehends its obligations towards its customers and the relevant legislative framework. The quality control program for asphalt mix is determined to the highest degree by the requirements of BS EN 13108-21:2006 and the Greek Technical Specifications.

The main factors that ensure the excellent quality of the asphalt mix produced are the following:

  1. Exclusive cooperation with CE certified suppliers of aggregates and asphalt.
  1. Continuous monitoring during the production process, as the asphalt mix production unit is fully automated and streamlined to minimize any error margins.
  1. The company’s qualified staff, both in the production division and for paving the material produced.
  1. The existence of a quality control laboratory, properly equipped to carry out much of the required inspections on a daily basis.
  • Granulometric grading of aggregates
  • Sand equivalent and percentage of sand moisture
  • Asphalt content on the asphalt mix
  • Asphalt temperature control
  1. Easy detection or tracing of the material produced, in order to identify any non-compliance, and investigate the time phase in which it occurred (e.g. production, transport, paving or compacting phase). Tracing of the final product includes the following:
  • Creation of records with all the results of measurements/tests related to the quality of the materials produced.
  • Creation of a registry/logbook by the Production Manager
  • Creation of a logger, balance report and dispatch note for each production batch
  • Creation of an electronic file for all of the above